breastfeeding assesment 2024-07-09T13:55:28+00:00


How this Works…

Things to bring:

  • Yourself and your baby. Comfortable clothes for breastfeeding.
  • It is very important that the baby feeds during the consultation, so please make sure you bring him or her hungry!
  • Your partner or another support person is welcome to come.
  • If at this point you are feeding your infant any supplements, please bring some along (whether it be expressed breastmilk or infant formula).
  • If your baby is not gaining the expected weight, please bring along any recorded weights you have written down since your baby´s birth.
  • If you are having difficulties using your breastmilk pump, please bring it along and we´ll check it out together.

What we will do:

  1. The consultation will be about one hour long, the cost is
    1. 90 € for first visit
    2. 80 €each consecutive visit
    3. 70 € every visit if you are «familia numerosa» (3 or more children)
  2. The doctor will do a detailed clinical history – questions about your general health, your pregnancy, birth and your current breastfeeding difficulties or doubts.
  3. Then she will do a physical exam of your infant, your breasts if necessary, and she will observe your baby feed.
  4. After all this assesment, she will propose strategies to improve your situation and answer all your questions.
  5. Dr Baeza and Dr de Alba are clinical professors, so there may be a student with them. You may of course refuse for the student to be in your consultation. Students are healthcare professionals aiming to acquire breastfeeding support skills.
  6. After the consultation, you will receive a clinical report with all the information of your visit, as well as a clear treatment and follow-up care plan
  7. E-mail follow-up is included with the payment for the first visit.


Those private insurance companies that cover pediatric/family practice medicine usually cover our services.

Privacy rights

By law, we are required to ask for your permission to handle your personal and clinical information. We will ask you to sign a document or online form to this effect.

Book an appointment